How To Detect A Bite

How-To Fishing Videos
Here's how to learn what a bite feels like when fish bites a soft plastic bait. You'll know how to tell when a fish bites your plastic lure after watching this video.

Hey folks, Glenn May here with and one of the questions we always get on the forums is, what does the bite feel like when I'm fishing plastic worms? You know, when I'm fishing beavers or I'm fishing Rage Roosters or any other kinda soft plastic bait, what does that bite feel like? A lot of people jump on the thread and they'll try to explain either what it looks like. They'll say, hey, the line will jump or it will swim off to one side or the other or else they'll try to explain what it feels like. It's kind of a mushy feel or there's a tap-tap, which is the bass yanking on it on the other end of the line or maybe you don't feel any weight at all. It's just you lose contact with the bait.

I mean, on and on, all these descriptions of what it might feel like but really, it's not going to give you a sense of what it feels like. You gotta be on the water and you gotta feel it. You have to experience it. That's really the only way you're gonna know what that bite feels like.

So, today, instead of me trying to explain to you what it might feel like, I'm gonna give you some homework. I'm gonna step you through what I did to learn how to feel that bite and, when you're done with this homework, I promise you you will know what that bite feels like and you'll be on your way to becoming proficient in fishing soft plastic baits.

So, the first thing you need to know is this concept. It's very difficult, if not impossible, with few exceptions, to tell the size of the fish based upon the soft plastic bite. That bite feels pretty much the same whether it's an eight-incher or an eight-pounder. It's really hard to distinguish. You talk to any experienced bass angler, he's going to have a hard time explaining to you how big that fish is based on the bite alone. There are some exceptions. The little small fish, when they pick up the bait and try to run off with it, you might feel kind of a machine gun at the end of line when their tail is running off and they're trying to take off with it but, really, there's very few examples where you'd really know the size of the fish is based on the bite.

So, we're going to use that to your advantage today. What you're gonna do is rig up a split shot rig, one of these babies right here. If you don't know how to rig this up, I have a video that shows you exactly how to do it. It's linked here at the bottom of the video. You might want to watch that one after watching this one, because it'll show you how to rig this up. You're just gonna take a split shot rig and, at the business end of it, you're going to put one of these on here. It's a little four inch ribbon tail worm. There's all kinds of companies that makes this. You can buy it at your local tackle store, get a color that you want. If you're not sure what color to get, get this one. This is green pumpkin right here. Buy a couple bags, you're probably gonna go through a few of these.

Then, what you're gonna do is fish during the warmest time of the year or the warmer months, anytime say, three to four weeks after the spawn all the way up through the summer. You're gonna fish this exclusively, all day long, up shallow. The reason being is all the little bass, that's when their most active. They're gonna be up shallow, eager to bite basically anything. You could throw a piece of popcorn out there and you'll probably get them, but you want them on this. Over the course of a day or two of fishing this, you're going to catch 30, 40, 50 fish, not more than maybe a pound and a half. When I did it, I caught 43 fish and the biggest one was a pound and a half.

But, at the end of that, those two days, you're gonna feel the bite, all the different ways a fish will bite a worm, you'll fish it many times over. You'll feel that over and over again. You'll experience them all and, by the end of those two days, you'll know exactly what the bite feels like. You'll know what to look for, you'll know what it feels like, you'll know the difference between a rock, weed, wood, all that plus the bite. For more tips like this, visit