Gerald Swindle Is At It Again

Fun Fishing Videos
Watch this hilarious clip as Gerald Swindle and Casey Ashley cut it up prior to a tournament blast off.

Gerald Swindle: Man, y'all's boat got all kinds of neat stuff. Y'all got plier holders and padded carpet and push buttons. I'm old school, babe. I've got twist knobs. I throw my pliers on the floor.

Casey Ashley: That's where mine stay anyway.

Gerald Swindle: And my feet are tough anyway. They don't need pad. Look here, got this sweat band. That booger son, that sucker's fine, right there. Because you ain't got nothing to wipe your nose with right now.

Casey Ashley:    I've got my gloves.

Gerald Swindle:    Yeah, that glove gets rough about noon.

Casey Ashley: Nah, this is just my driving gloves here.

Gerald Swindle: Oh, you got those soft ones?

Casey Ashley: Yeah, I got some soft ones.

Gerald Swindle: I was going to say, you run that nose down on that Velcro one time, you'll hit the floor like someone hit you with a jab. Ho! I got them at Academy. I said, look here. Then when you get snot, you just twist it around until you hit a dry spot. Then you flip it over the next day so you don't double snot.