2021 AFTCO Conservation Recap: $548K in Contributions

January 20, 2022
Industry News Archive

A lot of good was done for fishing conservation in 2021 thanks to customers like you. Each year, through the 10% Pledge to Protect and Conserve, AFTCO and the Shedd Family contribute at least 10% of company profits towards fishing conservation, protecting our resources, and ensuring future generations have access to a sustainable fishery. In 2021, this resulted in contributions totaling $548,000!


The largest 10% Pledge contributions of 2021 are highlighted below:

  • Coastal Conservation Association - $139,900 donated to CCA state and national chapters in support of their mission of ensuring the health and conservation of our marine resources and angler access to them.


  • Keep America Fishing - $75,000 donated in support of fishing advocacy efforts. Through policy, science, and conservation, the Government Affairs team of the American Sportfishing Association (ASA) works to minimize access restrictions, promote clean waters, and restore fish populations.


  • Hubbs SeaWorld Research Institute - $75,000 donated. In 2021, Hubbs released 90,000 fish into the ocean for replenishment through their Carlsbad Hatchery and published 19 scientific research papers among many other achievements.


In 2021, AFTCO continued to support B.A.S.S. Nation grassroots efforts through conservation grants, donating $20,000 to clubs working to improve their local fisheries through habitat creation and restoration. The clubs established fish habitats in lakes around the country and planted cypress trees to mitigate shoreline erosion.

A component of the 10% Pledge is protecting angler rights and helping to ensure reasonable public access to a sustainable resource. In that regard, AFTCO spends a considerable amount of time on 30x30 issues. In 2021, we compiled scientific research expressing the need for governmental bodies to consider anglers in their decisions and outlined possible solutions to fishery biodiversity issues. This took a considerable amount of time and was supported by fishing conservation groups around the country. Read our 30x30 articles here.

Additional Accomplishments We’re Proud Of

AFTCO scored big at the ICAST 2021 New Product Showcase, winning all four apparel category awards. We also explored ways to become more sustainable in an effort to reduce the environmental impact on the oceans, rivers, lakes, and land that support our fisheries. In 2022, these goals include utilizing recycled and sustainable fabrics in our clothing, moving to recycled hang tags and packaging, and reducing energy usage and waste.

$548,000 for Sportfishing in 2021: How We Got There

How Are 10% Pledge Partners & Projects Determined?

The basic buckets for our 10% Pledge support fall into these categories: fishing conservation advocacy, saltwater habitat, freshwater habitat, fish hatcheries, protecting public fishing access, youth fishing engagement and education, clean water, scientific research, and fish tagging. Some of our donations are project-based, and some go to support the overall mission of our partners.

How Are Donations Accounted For?

AFTCO’s annual donation amount is equivalent to at least 10% of total company profits as represented on company financial statements. In 2021, the Peggie Shedd Marine Trust made a $50,000 donation on behalf of the Shedd family.

The Value of Donated Time and Product Is Not Included in This Total.

AFTCO often provides support through the donation of time and product. We conservatively estimate that we contributed approximately $80,000 of inline retail product to support the mission of our partners in 2021. Additionally, AFTCO staff donates a considerable amount of both personal and employee time towards conservation and sustainability efforts, including volunteering at fish hatcheries, events with CCA, and at AFTCO company beach cleanups. We do not formally track or assign a monetary value to these efforts. AFTCO Chairman Bill Shedd has spent over 400 hours a year on conservation and fishing access issues for 40+ years.

A component of the 10% Pledge is protecting angler rights and helping to ensure reasonable public access to a sustainable resource. In that regard, AFTCO spends a considerable amount of time on 30x30 issues. In 2021, we compiled scientific research expressing the need for governmental bodies to consider anglers in their decisions and outlined possible solutions to fishery biodiversity issues. This took a considerable amount of time and was supported by fishing conservation groups around the country. Read our 30x30 articles here.

A Selection of AFTCO's Conservation Partners


• AFTCO's Bass Buss Live Release Boat

• Bass Fishing Hall of Fame

• C.A.S.T. for Kids

• Captains for Clean Water

• Center for Sportfishing Policy

• Dolphin Research Program

• FishAmerica Foundation/ASA

• Fishing's Future

• Friends of Reservoirs



• The Ike Foundation

• Keep America Fishing

• Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful

• Marathon Man / Fishing for Life

• TPWD - Texas Parks & Wildlife

• The War on Carp

• Wild Oceans