Blake Shelton Joins BOD of Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Foundation

September 25, 2020
Industry News Archive
Bass Fishing

Country music star and native Oklahoman Blake Shelton has joined the board of directors of the new Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Foundation. His board membership was approved Tuesday during the regular September meeting of the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Shelton was approached by Wildlife Department Director J.D. Strong to gauge his interest in supporting the new charitable entity that will help provide additional support for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and its activities in managing the state’s fish and wildlife resources and habitat.

“When I was 10, my dad took me out in the woods deer hunting with him, and it changed my life forever,” Shelton said. “Healthy fish and wildlife, and the opportunities to get outdoors, make Oklahoma a special place to live.

“I’m honored to be selected to serve on the Foundation and can’t wait to help further conservation efforts here in our great state.”

Shelton, who grew up hunting and fishing in Oklahoma, has been a longtime supporter of the Wildlife Department. One of the stars of the hit TV show “The Voice” was asked if he would become an honorary director, but Shelton instead said he wanted to be fully involved as an active and voting member of the Foundation’s board.

Shelton’s home away from Hollywood and the concert circuit is his ranch near Tishomingo.