Eurobass Cup Pitts Americans Against Europeans

June 20, 2005
Industry News Archive

Valladolid, June 2005 -- The II Eurobass Cup, Organized by Iberian Week, is a competition between world élite American professionals and European anglers from Italy, France, Portugal and Spain. The event will be held at the same location as last year, in the Ricobayo reservoir (Zamora), from the 20th to the 21st of September.

   The Eurobass Cup is a team event, Europe against United States, where last year the American team clearly won, with a score of nineteen to five.

   The presence of champions like Mike Iaconelli and pro bass anglers, which hold an important place in the USA classification, like John Murray, Kelly Jordon, etc. are of great interest in the European enthusiasts. They closely followed the Eurobass Cup development and all the activities these bass experts played in the Iberian Week.

   Four Spanish, four Portuguese, two Italians and two Frenchmen will comprise the team that will display the European "colours" in this second edition. They are David Espax, José Luis Lopez, Santiago and Sergio Longas, Helder Maia, José Mendes da Cruz, Pedro Félix, Herminio Rodrigues, Paolo Vannini, Stefano Sammarchi, Frédéric Jullian and Frank Rossman.

   For the Longas' brothers it will be their first participation in the Eurobass Cup, the same for Paolo Vannini and Stefano Sammarchi, whom are doing a great job promoting the sport in Italy, and the French Frank Rossman. The rest of the European team members participated in the first Eurobass Cup edition and in the last Iberian Week. In fact the Portuguese Pedro Félix was the one who obtained the only European point in the last year first round and Helder Maia achieved the third place in the general classification, after Iaconelli y Jack A. Gadlage.

   The Eurobass Cup is organized by the Iberian Week. Since its first edition, it has supported the promotion and popularization of bass by this and other initiatives. Most notably is the Latin Bass Meeting, which is held in the Ricobayo reservoir with around 90 boats, and seminars given by American and European anglers in the Exhibition Centre aquarium teaching techniques and lures, and providing materials that offer better results to the audience.