Why Anglers Stop Fishing

April 5, 2012
Industry News Archive

Previous examinations of state fishing license sales by Southwick Associates revealed many Americans who consider themselves anglers don’t necessarily fish or buy a fishing license every year. It begged the question: “Why and what do they do in place of fishing?” That question has now been answered following a study Southwick Association was involved in for the American Sportfishing Association (ASA). The findings are summarized in the ASA report “On the Fence about Fishing,” which was just released in March.

Fishing decline

Key highlights include:

  • Top reasons why people fish: fun, relaxing, a great way to spend time with family and friends, catch something to eat, and to be outdoors. Reasons such as catching large fish, the challenge, or tradition are minor reasons.
  • Key outdoor activities found to compete with fishing include hunting, camping, hiking, golfing, gardening and trail running or walking for fitness. Indoor activities included watching television, cooking and reading.
  • Though “not enough time” is cited as a major reason for fishing less, this response in many cases indicates a preference for other recreational efforts. People state they will make time for activities they want to do, often at the expense of other activities, such as fishing.
  • Anglers—whether active or lapsed—still mostly prefer outdoor activities to indoor ones.
  • Most anglers don’t live in rural areas, thus fishing opportunities and access in urban and suburban locations must be provided, promoted and protected.
  • To help reverse declines in angler numbers, industry and agency fishing promotions must keep fishing convenient, with few hassles and high levels of enjoyment, and a prime way to spend time with others. If not, anglers will find other activities that provide these outdoor experiences.
  • The single biggest thing that would encourage many lapsed anglers to return to the water for some fishing would simply be if someone invited them to go.
Inviting a person to go fishing is that easy in stemming the drop in angler numbers and can be the most effective and affordable way to retain or recruit new anglers to fishing’s ranks. To check out the report summary or the full technical report presenting complete details, visit southwickassociates.com. This project was produced in partnership with Responsive Management.