Suzuki Joins Yamaha in Denying Predatory Pricing

January 14, 2004
Boating News Archive

1/14/2004 -- BREA, Calif. - Four-stroke outboard engine builder Suzuki Marine has joined Yamaha in denying involvement in the "predatory" pricing that Mercury Marine recently accused Japanese outboard builders of conducting.

   In a letter to dealers, Suzuki Director of Marine Marketing Larry Vandiver expressed "surprise and disappointment in Mercury Marine's allegations that the Japanese manufacturers of outboard engines have violated U.S. anti-dumping laws."

   "We find this even more incredible since Mercury Marine itself is one of the largest importers of Japanese outboard products and Mercury continues to have a dominant position in the market," Vandiver added.

   He stated that Suzuki has always been a fair competitor in the marketplace and has not done anything illegal.

   "Suzuki Marine is prepared to defend itself against these unfounded allegations, and we are very confident that it will be proven that there is no merit to Mercury's complaints," Vandiver wrote.

Bad timing

Vandiver also expressed concern over the timing of Mercury's allegations.

   "Mercury Marine's action puts an unnecessary black cloud over what's shaping up to be an exciting season, something the boating industry covets after a disappointing three-year downturn," he wrote. "Given the industry's recent challenges, the timing of this action by Mercury is indeed unfortunate."

   With recent technological advances, a strengthening economy and customer satisfaction growing, it is time to "pull together and get people on board with boating - not push them over board," Vandiver added.

   In the meantime, Suzuki won't let the allegations change its plans. Vandiver said the company will continue to offer retail promotions, be aggressive in the market during the boat show season and supply the U.S. market with product "at a fair price."