Craig DeFronzo

Craig DeFronzo

Craig De Fronzo wrote over 300 fishing articles for several of the top bass fishing websites and periodicals. He authored over 12 books and eBooks on bass fishing and created Micro Munch Tackle. Custom baits and lighter tackle have helped him achieve success in a string of more than 40 tournament victories that spanned more than six years. As a result, he earned Angler of The Year titles and championships.

Starting as a power fisherman, Craig focused his attention on light tackle after capturing a 13.9-pound bass in the Ocala National Forest on 6-pound line. Craig began to adopt all of the "new" west coast methods and re-applied them to his fishing in New York. He discovered he could get more bites when scaling down his tackle. He saw that he was catching far more large fish as well. He has documented through the NYDEC Diary program an outlandish number of bass over 5 pounds, all on light tackle. He landed more than 30 bass over 7 pounds on Long Island, including three bonafide 9-pounders.


Craig hosted several seminars on light tackle jig and tube fishing. He was known for his technical approach to fishing and finding patterns. Craig believed that confidence and unorthodox approaches often gave him the advantage out on the water.

Sadly, Craig passed away in February 2020.  May he rest in peace.

Key Stats :

Largest Largemouth Bass 13 pounds 9 ounces Ocala National Forest

Largest New York Largemouth Bass 9 pounds 14 ounces Wildwood lake

Largest New York Smallmouth Bass 6 pounds 2 ounces Hudson River Catskill Creek

Largest Long Island Largemouth (2) 9 pounds 3 ounces Largemouth Bass Peconic River both Zone II

Largest tournament five-bass total 22 pounds 14 ounces Mahopac New York 2000

Largest Long Island 5 bass total 32 pounds 4 ounces Millers Pond 1991