Bass Fishing

Boating Pre-Trip Checklist

Bass Boats & Boating Care
Boating checklist

Routine: A prescribed, detailed course of action to be followed regularly; a standard procedure. Routine can be your best friend when preparing for a day on the water. Before a routine becomes a habit, a detailed list is an invaluable tool. I have assembled a set of lists to guide you along the way to a safe and productive outing. These aren't lists to remind you to bring rods, tackle, attractants, etc. Still, more so, lists of safety-related items should be religiously checked before each outing until it becomes second nature and the lists are no longer needed.

We are creatures of habit, so molding a positive habit when dealing with water is an essential survival lesson to be passed on. Include your kids in safety checks!! Keep them involved and explain what each thing does and why it needs to be checked each time it's used.

This is the collective list. Below is a list for the "night before," as many items on the essential list will be stowed aboard for the season.

  • Alternate propulsion (i.e., paddle or oar)
  • Anchors & Line
  • Batteries (fully charged and encased in plastic boxes)
  • Bilge device (bilge pump operable, alternative bailing device)
  • Boat lights
  • Bright flashlight or searchlight
  • Boat & trailer registration, permits, licenses
  • Bug repellant
  • Clothing
  • Compass
  • Drinking water (1 gallon per person per day)
  • Fire extinguisher (right number, size, and class for boat; charged, not corroded, nozzle clear, bracketed, readily accessible)
  • First aid kit, i.e., Band-Aids, first-aid Cream, Campo-Phenique (good for minor burns, cuts, and scrapes), Tums, lip balm.
  • Food
  • Fuel
  • Kill switch (check with motor started)
  • Map/Charts (in a waterproof container)
  • Matches/fire starter (in a waterproof container)
  • Navigation lights & spare bulbs
  • Boat plug
  • Pocket knife
  • Sound-producing device (i.e., whistle, horn)
  • Spare trailer tire (check condition)
  • Toilet paper
  • Trailer lights (and brakes if applicable)
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Spare prop and lock-nut or shear pin
  • Weather Radio
  • Tools
  • Visual distress signals (check current dates on flares, proper number)
  • Watch or clock

The night before list-

  • Hook up the trailer and check lights and brakes (if applicable)
  • Charge batteries
  • Check fuel
  • Check boat lights
  • Turn on batteries, "check 1, 2, all switch" make sure it is functioning
  • Turn on and check all electronics
  • Check boat plug
  • Secure straps and tie downs

Please feel free to change these lists according to your needs. I'd like you to laminate them and keep them in a consistent place. Adding another list is also helpful if you often find yourself without the spinnerbait bag in the garage or the hot thermos of coffee on the kitchen counter.

These essential lists help enhance your boating experience and aid in maintaining the safety of you, your family, and your friends. Catch them up!