Bob Lusk

Bob Lusk

Professional fisheries biologist and lake management consultant, Bob Lusk, is considered by many to be the nation’s leading authority on private lake management. From his home base in north Texas, Lusk travels the nation, as he says, “Helping people design, build, stock and manage outstanding fish lakes.” From upstate New York to California to the Carolinas and all over the south, Lusk plies his trade working with the rich and famous to you and me, John Q. Pondmeister. “I love working with good people,” Lusk says, “who appreciate the land and its water and strive to learn to be good caretakers of it.”

Not only is Bob Lusk the nation’s leading private fisheries biologist and consultant, but he’s also an award-winning writer, author, and photographer. He has served as president of the Texas Outdoor Writers Association and publishes the nation’s leading authority on private water management, Pond Boss Magazine. Lusk writes a portion of the magazine and edits all of it. Pond Boss was born in 1992. Lusk has contributed since the beginning and took over the editorial reins in 2004.

Lusk is also a highly sought-after speaker. He speaks passionately about what he knows, holding 15-20 pond management seminars every year and heads up the Pond Boss Conference and Expo as the featured speaker as he lines up all other speakers for that monumental event.

You can connect with Bob at:



