Bass Fishing

Finding A Used Jon Boat

Bass Boats & Boating Care

Finding a used Jon boat can be easier than you think. Although many folks who have already found theirs are often willing to hold on to them for life, there are other avenues you can pursue to find your diamond in the ruff.

Well, first things first, you need to be keeping an eye on the classifieds. Use classifieds from your local papers, tackle shops, and especially online. Local forum board classifieds are also often a hot place to find a boat nearby.

There is one way, however - the way I found my latest boat - that works very well: Door-to-door campaigning. You make a note to leave on doors as you drive through specific neighborhoods looking for yards with boats. Granted, this takes a little time, but it does have some good results. Below is a sample note. This is the note I used; feel free to use it yourself, and fill in the blanks. You can pick a Saturday to hit some particular neighborhoods. You are looking for lakeside communities and, even better, the sub-communities just outside the shorefront properties. Often, these houses will have boats in the yards from kids that have since grown up, gone to college, and flown the coop.

Many of these boats are diamonds in the ruff. Covered with moss from storage under a tree for years or filled with beehives or leaves, God only knows what else. Many of these boats can be restored to "better than new" condition with some loving care and a little hard work. The tools and skills needed are minimal.

The folks who have had to look at these things in their yard and cut the grass around them for the last 5-10 years consider many of these boats an eyesore. When they read your note and realize they could turn that eyesore into a couple of hundred clams, they are quick to call.

Remember to be very professional. Whether to decline or accept your offer, anyone who calls back gets a "Thank You." Some folks may want to barter or haggle with the price you left on your note. This will give you choices. I left the notes on houses that had everything from 12- to 14-foot Jons to 16-foot v-hulls. More canoes are out there than anything if that is your desire.

I hit three neighborhoods, left roughly thirty notes, and had six boats to choose from.

This is my note:

Hello Homeowner,

I was in your neighborhood and noticed your boat in your yard. Please excuse my "up-front-ness," but I was wondering if you would consider selling it? If you consider selling it, please know I am willing to pick it up, as is, any time you desire. You don't have to clean or touch it, for that matter.

If you're interested, please call me whenever you get a chance.

Thank You for your time,

Joe Fisherman


East Greenwich, RI

Have a pad with you on your ride. Write down the address, boat length, the price you are willing to offer and top off at, style, and certain features that may have stuck out to you. A camera is handy also. This way, when you get call backs, you know which boat you are talking about and have an offer ready.

Once you find your gem, here's a link to give you ideas on how to fix her up.

12-foot Jon restore