Family Bass Fishing

Balancing Family and Fishing

Fishing Stories

What is fishing to you? A pastime, a hobby, maybe a career? These scenarios may be simple for single men to subscribe to. However, being a dedicated family man and fisherman is different. Balancing time is a never-ending struggle between being away from home too much and needing to spend more time on the water.

For myself, fishing is who I am. Every day in most ways revolves around fishing. Being a tournament fisherman, I make every day on the water count. Also, I am a family man with a wife and two kids, who are my pride and joy. I often feel like my balancing act is working well, but sometimes my wife has a different view of the situation. I am not saying she isn’t supportive or willing to pick up the extra workload while I’m reeling in bass. Simply put, I occasionally get caught up in the excitement of bass fishing. The result is I take advantage of her support without realizing it.

If you are in the same boat as me, don’t worry. There are many things you can do to help your other half be happy and supportive of your expensive and time-consuming hobby. Here are five tips:

Fishing family
  1. After your day on the water, share your stories with her but don’t let it be the only thing you talk about. Chances are she is not into fishing like you are. You probably don’t have any of these problems if she is. Remember to keep your fish talk at a level that isn’t annoying to her. Instead, call a buddy and tell all the lies you want.
  2. Arrive at home when you say you’ll be home (or earlier). When planning your day on the water, consider the time it takes for travel, traffic, and unexpected circumstances. You’re better off arriving at home earlier than three hours late.
  3. If you’re a tournament angler, let her know you appreciate her support. I’m not saying you have to get all mushy, but let her know that it means a lot to you that she makes sacrifices so you can follow your dream. Let’s face it. You probably couldn’t do it without her.
  4. When you restock your tackle and drop some serious cash, do something for her. It usually doesn’t take much to make your significant other feel special. Dinner, flowers, or a card say much more than you think. All the little things add up, and it’s an easy way to keep that argument from happening.
  5. Include your family in your decisions. If you have a family and want to keep things balanced, you need to include them in your decisions. From picking a tournament series to figuring out how many days you can practice. If you include them, it will feel more like a team effort.

Balancing your favorite activity and family isn’t always an easy task. But, if you consider these five steps, I promise it will help. It certainly will not hurt.

Casey Hay

Casey Hay is a 9-year tournament angler and bass fishing enthusiast that is all about sharing knowledge, information, and that passion for bass fishing.