A Bass Pro Christmas

Fishing Stories

Christmas is a particular time of year for all of us. We typically spend the day running around from one family member's house to another. Our bellies are so full they feel like they could burst. We pass out gifts and open those we receive, and watch the kids run around like little excitement-filled Tasmanian Devils. They leave nothing but a trail of wrapping paper in their paths. It is just a wonderful time of year for us everyday anglers. But what is it like if you are one of the top-rated professional bass anglers in the world? Chances are, it is very similar no matter who you are.

I took it upon myself to pick the brains of some of the biggest names in bass fishing. Everyone knows about the grueling schedule they have to maintain throughout the tournament season. However, very few people know what it's like to have a bass pro Christmas.

Kelly Jordon

"Christmas is awesome this year. I think we are going to try to go somewhere snow skiing."

Jay Yelas

"Christmas is a great time of year. It's one of our favorites. I get to be home with my family. With my two girls, it's enjoyable anytime you have little kids around. That's a special time of year; I am a Christian, so we celebrate the birth of Jesus. That is probably our favorite holiday around the house."

Hank Parker

"Christmas is pretty incredible. Now we've got grandkids running everywhere. Hank JR's daughter is young, so that it will be a fun Christmas. I can't wait to make her rotten like I have the rest of them. It's pretty special. My mom told me years ago that if she knew grandkids were as much fun as they are, she would have had them first, and I am right there with her."

Skeet Reese

"Every year is different. It will be in Mexico this year, so it changes from year to year. We always have a good time, and that's the most important part of all. My daughter is young so this Christmas won't be much different. Next year, next Christmas, and there on, Holidays are going to take on a whole new meaning with having a little one."

Davy Hite

"Christmas is such a joy right now because I have two kids and my wife. Thanksgiving and Christmas is the biggest part of the year that I get to spend at home. That period through there is a precious time for me. With kids the age that I've got, it's just so much fun Christmas morning."

Kevin VanDam

"Christmas is pretty wild. I have twins, so they are at that age where they're really into games and clothes and things like that. It's a pretty busy time for me. I am usually putting together a lot of stuff. They look forward to it. My wife is very festive, so she kind of goes all out for the Christmas season. It's something that builds from Thanksgiving until that time. It is pretty neat. I have a pretty big family, we are all close together, and that's probably the best part of Christmas for me. The amount of time that I get to spend with my brothers, sisters, mom and dad, in-laws, and brothers-in-law, and we do many things together. For as much as I have to travel and as busy as I am the rest of the year, it's that one time when I don't have to go and do things. I look forward to knowing that I am going to be in town, and I know I am going to be around the week before and hopefully the week after Christmas."

Gerald Swindle

"It's usually pretty fun. I have lots of nieces and nephews. Christmas is usually kind of a humbling time for an angler. I seem to be more grateful that time of year because I realize I get to do what I love to do, fish for a living. I am very fortunate, and I realize that."

Larry Nixon

"Christmas is good, I have two kids and a grandson, and it's always good. We usually go visit some of the relatives and spend the day enjoying each other's company just shootin' the bull."

Woo Daves

"It's pretty good because we do a lot of hunting that week."

It doesn't take long to quickly realize that these pros are just like you and me. They don't fly to Paris on their private Leer jet to spend Christmas in some foreign villa. Christmas is spent at home with their kids and other family members. These guys probably even spend hours putting together new toys like every other dad.

 Remember what the meaning of Christmas is, and don't let these precious moments escape you. Enjoy yourself and instill joy into the lives of others. Please take advantage of the time you have with your family. The tournament season will be here before we know it.

Have a Safe and Merry Christmas!