Bass Fishing Tournaments: The Key To Winning

Tournament Tips

Professional speaker Brandon Gray teaches you how to overcome tough fishing conditions during tournaments and turn them into wins using Circumstance, Choice, and Response. This might be the best next 6 minutes you spend today.



Have you ever had a day on the water turn into frustration instead of fun? Are you considering giving up on your dream of becoming a tournament angler? Do you want to win in the game of life?

Hi guys, my name's Brandon Gray, and I believe that decisions determine destiny. So it'sission is to use meaningful stories and powerful examples to help people make the best decisions. I've been blessed to work with entrepreneurs nationwide, multi-million dollar corporations, and nationally ranked college football programs. Most recently, I've been working with tournament anglers. So I'm proud to announce that I've teamed up with BassResource to help you guys win between the cast.

So, how do we do that? How do we go about winning? We're doing everything we can. We're reading all the articles. We're on the forums, we're on BassResource. We've got all their latest equipment: rods, reels, down scan, and side scan. You name it. We got it. Yet, the secret to winning isn't any of that.

The secret to winning lies between your ears. It's based upon three letters: C, C, R, Circumstance, Choice, and Response. The second C is up to me.

You see, the crazy thing about life is that our thoughts become our actions, our actions become our habits, and our habits become our destiny. And so, if we can change how we think, we can change our destiny. The scary thing about it is that we walk around all day and don't even realize that we're talking to ourselves all day. And what's even scarier is that you tend to believe in yourself. 

So, how do we change that? Let me tell you a story about the first step to winning a CCR. Let me give you an example from my own life. A few years ago, I had a four-year-old daughter, Madeline, and we were about to carry Madeline to see Santa Claus. And, do you remember from being a child? This is one of the year's biggest days when you finally get to see Santa. So, we leave; it's after church on a Sunday. I remember it like it was yesterday. We drive down to the mall, and I've got this kid in a frenzy on the way. Now, I'm telling you, I'm talking about elves and reindeer and having your list ready. And, we get inside that mall, she's ready to break up in there and see Santa Claus. 

Well, we walk into the mall, and Sears, where Santa Claus is at, is at one end of the mall, and we're down at the other, at the beginning of the line. And I see quickly that my one day off, my Sunday, is about to be spent standing in line. I don't do well in lines, so I complain.

I begin to feel sorry for myself. I begin talking to myself, saying, "Man, I can't believe this. You've got to waste all day." I won't tell a four-year-old we're not doing this. I mean, she's hopped up on sugar, and I've already made promises! So, I begin to pout and complain. I'm not paying any attention to what's going on around me. 

Quite a bit of time goes by. We make our way up and are just about to see Santa. And I noticed the family in front of me. There's something special about them.

They had three kids. The youngest didn't have a hair on her head. She's battling some form of childhood cancer, and everything changes. My attitude changed, and my outlook changed. I go from feeling sorry for myself to thanking God for how blessed I am. I'm thankful I do not have to deal with that family's struggles and pain, and I'm grateful.

What changed? What changed in that situation? The line was still there. I had still spent all afternoon standing in it. But what changed?

You see, what I said to myself about what was happening is what had changed. CCR: Circumstance, Choice, and Response. The circumstance was still the same. My response, however, had changed because of the...get this, because of the C, the second C, and the choice I was making. So if we can change how we talk to ourselves, we will take the first step to winning.

All right, let's apply this to fishing. So, you're out in the boat, all excited to go ledge fishing. You've been reading on BassResource about it; you got the crankbaits ready, using your downscan, finding the ledge, pulling up on it, and beginning to fish. First cast, nothing. Second cast, nothing. You feel her hit in the third cast and Big Mama's on the line.

You start reeling, setting the hook, and she rises to the surface. Then, as you about have her to the boat, she looks at you, smiles, and spits that crankbait out.

What do you do? What do you start saying to yourself? Do you kick? Do you cuss? Do you slam the rod down and say, "This always happens to me. I never catch anything! Can't believe I'm wasting all my time and money out here!"?

Well, if you have that reaction, if you choose the circumstance you're in, guess what? The rest of your day's fried. You're already subconsciously not in the zone. You are subconsciously worried about everything else. So what are you saying to yourself at that moment? Circumstance, Choice, and Response. The second C is up to me. You choose how you're going to respond to that event.

Now, it suddenly gets real serious whenever you're doing it for a paycheck. What are you saying to yourself now? Stop. Calm down and realize what you're doing.

If I can change how I talk to myself, I take the first step toward winning. If I can stay focused by talking to myself correctly, Circumstance, Choice, and Response, the second C is up to me. If I can choose to respond differently and say to myself, "Hey guys, I'm on a school, cast again. If I caught one, I can catch another. The day's just started, I got plenty of time," what are you going to say to yourself when those things happen?

You see, that's what separates those who win, whether it's in business, whether it's in athletics, whether it's in fishing, and whether it's in life, from the people who don't. So, it's your choice how you respond to circumstances. That's the key to winning. So, CCR, the second C, is up to me.

Once again, my name's Brandon Gray, and I am glad to be teaming up with BassResource, so visit Be sure you go there to learn more about fishing, and I look forward to more videos like this in the future.