Proven Bass Fishing Jerkbait Tips With Hank Parker

Hank Parker's Fishing Tips

Hank Parker shares his tips for fishing a jerkbait to help you catch big bass! This is not your cold water typical jerkbait fishing video.


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Glenn: Hey folks, Glenn May here with I'm here with Hank Parker with another edition of Hank Parker's Fishin' Tips. Hank, we got a great question today from Kent Smith from Germantown, Tennessee, and he wants to know when you're fishing with jerk pegs...jerk pegs? Jerkbaits. We'll tell you that again. When you're fishing with jerkbaits, do you have a couple of suggestions on cadence, and more specifically he really wants to know, like, what do you start off with, and why that?

Hank: Well, first of all, when I'm fishin' a suspending jerkbait, I wanna have fluorocarbon line. People think fluorocarbon line sinks. I've heard that said so many times. Fluorocarbon line does not sink, it's neutrally buoyant. It doesn't sink or float. So a suspendin' jerkbait, the real key to catchin' fish, I think, on a suspendin' jerkbait, is when you stop that bait, to have that bait at a profile of a natural-lookin' bait, not floatin' up or not sinkin' down. So I don't wanna have a line that sinks that weights it down, and I don't wanna have a line that floats that noses it up, so I wanna be neutral, so I fish fluorocarbon. That's the most important thing. 

Second most important thing, I think, fishin' that jerkbait, is when you get through jerkin' at that final time and you're gonna pause it, always feed it a little bit slack. Point the rod tip back to it. Don't ever leave your line tight. That'll nose that bait up. So stop it, and just feed a little line back and leave it on slack line and watch your line. So I think that's important.

If I'm fishin' a floating jerkbait, then I want monofilament line. I want a line that floats, and I'll tell ya a little trick that I do, and I think, Glenn, it really makes a big difference sometimes. When those fish are up really, really shallow and I don't really want my jerkbait, even though I'm fishin' a jerkabit that runs only two feet deep, you know, and it floats and it comes back up, I really don't want it to get too deep. I dress my line with Chap Stick. I'll take some wax Chap Stick and just dress about 10 or 15 feet of that line, and that keeps my line real buoyant, and it'll work great on top water, as well. But those are a couple little tricks that I do with a jerkbait that I think are important, and I think they'll pay dividends if you give it a try. 

Glenn: Kent, that's a great question. Thank for...thank you for submitting it. If you wanna catch more tips and tricks, go to And if you wanna be notified of the next time we post some of Hank's tips, just subscribe to our YouTube channel. Thanks, and have a great day.