The Great Outdoors - Not Just For Men!

Fishing For Women
Women fishing

There is nothing more pristine than a South Texas sunset. My favorite place to witness the beauty of the end of a day is at the Scissortail Ranch, owned by Frank and Susie Dunn, in Carrizzo Springs, Texas. They are generous enough to allow my wife, Kelly, and I to come down for a few days every year during deer season and me. Kelly and I sit together in a double-wide deer stand and marvel at the beauty of the array of colors as the day slips into darkness. No place on earth has a more majestic sunset than that of South Texas and there is nothing like watching it with Kelly. The deer aren't bad to watch either.

How often do you see an old photograph of hunters or fishermen that include women engaging in the sport? I don't know if I've ever seen one. Such is not the case today. More and more, we men are including the women of our lives in the outdoor sports that we love. Wives, girlfriends and daughters are becoming more involved than ever, and why not.

Whether it is watching my eight year old daughter, Tatum, shrill with excitement from catching a fish or the thrill of watching Kelly take her first deer, hunting and fishing has plenty to offer men and women. My mother loves to trout fish and my step-mother regularly attends the Outdoor Women courses in her home state of Arkansas, where, she has learned to back a trailer, bowhunt and how to field dress a deer.

Despite the beliefs of the critics of hunting and fishing, there is more to these sports than catching and killing. The outdoors is full of beauty and wonderful experiences. Why wouldn't I want to share and enjoy it with the women I love? For me, it broadens the level of enjoyment for the whole outdoor experience.

It is important to realize that not all women are interested or willing to go to the field or water with us. That is ok, too. Sometimes they are willing to go do some outdoor activities, but not others. For instance, Kelly will go striper fishing and trout fishing with me, but doesn't care a bit about going bass fishing. She prefers dove hunting to duck hunting, because it's usually not cold when we go dove hunting. She loves to sit in the deer stand with me and watch deer, as long as I have my propane heater during cold weather. In fact, I've had to purchase a second pair of binoculars so I will have some to use while we are hunting.

For years, men have used hunting and fishing as a means of escape and therapy. I still enjoy going to the lake or the field by myself or with a fishing or hunting buddy from time to time. When I go bass fishing, I can put everything else on the back burner for a while and focus all my attention and energy of catching fish. It is quite therapeutic. It is equally therapeutic for my relationship with Kelly and my daughters, Tatum and Megan, to go out for a day of hunting or fishing with them. We get to remove ourselves from the day-to-day distractions and focus our attention on our task and more importantly, each other. It is what some people call, "quality time together".

If you don't or haven't taken a special women in your life with you to the great outdoors, give it a try. You might be surprised. It might be some of the best time you get to spend together. Besides, when it comes time to buy that new boat, shotgun, rifle or rod and reel, you might have a new ally rather than an adversary. Think about it!

Until next, enjoy the great outdoors.