How Long Do Bass Live?

Top Bass Fishing Questions
What is the average lifespan of bass? The answer depends on many factors we reveal inside. Learn how long bass live in this video.

Glenn: Well, I got it.

Keri: Hey, look at that. It's a nice fish. I’ll get the net.

Glenn: Yeah. Here we go. That's a really good fish.

Keri: Yeah, it is. Of course, the net is not in the right place.

Glenn: He’s barely hanging on, too.

Keri: Yeah. Anywhere where I can grab.

Glenn: I need a net now. There we go.

Keri: Nice fish.

Glenn: That'll do. There we go.

Keri: A little football.

Glenn: Here's a great question from a young viewer who wants to know how long is the average lifespan of bass? How long do they live? And that question is difficult to answer and there's several reasons why, but hopefully, I can give you some insight on why they live longer than others.

Bass, their longevity really depends on the environment they are in. So, for example, a bass will live longer in cooler water temperatures than bass that are in hotter temperatures. So, a bass that lives in the northern climate, say in Minnesota or in Washington state, in Northern New York, that type of thing, those bass can live up to say 15 to 20 years old. Whereas a bass in extreme southern part where it's really warm all the time, say Florida, Texas, California, those bass may live up to 10 or 12 years at the most.

In addition, it has to do a lot with the environment that they are in. Bass that live in really good water, clean, good quality water with abundant forage and lots of cover, they're gonna live a lot longer than fish that don't have as good water quality or as good forage or say, for example, the lake isn't managed as well and there's a lot of stunted fish, there's too many bass for the amount of forage that's around, those fish aren't gonna last as long either.

So, you got to combine those different variables and look at the lake that you're fishing and that will give you an idea of about how long a bass could live in that body water.

If you have any questions, hey, feel free to send them in to me. Here's an email right here down below, or you can send it to us on our Facebook page. For more tips and tricks like this, visit