Jason Christie’s Bass Boat Tour

Bass Boat Care, Performance, and More
Join Jason Christie for an in-depth walkthrough of boat organization, from the bow to the stern. Discover the essentials for efficient bass fishing, from tools and spare parts to tackle and gear placements. Dive into the importance of being prepared and maintaining tidiness to maximize fishing success. From crucial equipment like flares and life jackets to the strategic positioning of soft plastics and rods, grasp how a well-organized boat can elevate your fishing experience.

Hey, guys, Jason Christie here with BassResource, and today we're going to do a total from back all the way to the nose of the boat walkthrough. Can tell you how one of the keys I think about bass fishing and being efficient is being organized, and that goes in your tackle, your rods, everything that I carry. So back here you can see extra prop, my steer sticks there. I have an extra oil in case I need it, ropes, batteries, paddle, flares, push pole. One thing that a lot of guys won't think of carrying, rubber mallet to get a prop off, you know, if you got to change props. So everything tool-wise underneath this box right here. I have a...you see the green box full of tools, airtight so they don't get wet. Everything's organized. Everything has its place. If I need something quickly throughout the day, I run back here. I can grab... Another cool thing that I love about the Skeeter is all of my aerators, bilge pumps, everything, I can reach to right there, so something happens, you know, you get fishing line in there or something, I can open it up, pop that off.

Back compartment behind the passenger, so typically we don't have co-anglers. We'll have a marshal, so what I like to do is at least keep half the box empty, and all that's in there is two extra life jackets, you know, for the marshal if he doesn't have one. And being in smallmouth country, I keep a butt seat in there just in case I need it. Typically, I don't use it. This box over here behind the driver's seat, nothing but clothes, rain gear, a couple of different rain suits, and, of course, my life jacket. So, pretty simple in that box. 

In the livewells, we have the T-H cull system, balance bane, and a 5-pounder. Drinks is here, you know that way. So I never ever drink, you know, really while I'm fishing. It's always when I sit down, so it's pretty cool that the ice chest is right there. I can grab it, grab water out of there. This is the trash can. Everything trash-wise goes in there.

Now, setting up here, this is kind of where I work. This is the office. So everything needs to be in hand's reach. This box right here, extra batteries for scales. It's where I keep my wallet, phone cords, gum, trolling motor remote. Everything is in that box right there. This is a day box. So this is stuff that I'm typically going to use more than likely in a day. This is, you know, leaders, extra line, the baits. You know, if I'm catching them on a certain bait, I'm going to lay it right there so I can hop down, grab it, I don't have to dig in a box. 

This box here, extra line, all my spinning rods. So, like I said, we're up north. This is one of the few times you're going to see a lot of spinning rods in the boat. I keep those over here separate from the bait casters, just more room. Sponsor hats, different hats for, you know, different sponsors at weigh in. Rods and a line. Some of my rods are up on top, but typically right now there's not very many in it because we are up north. Typically, the average number is 15 to 20 rods in there. 

This is the definition of unorganized. Okay, we've been out here, we're in a writer’s conference, we're pulling baits out of all, this is what I cannot handle. So, typically, these are all in here organized, perfect. And I like to keep the heavier boxes toward the back of the boat. It just helps the boat perform better. Another kind of quick grab, you know, a few soft plastics that never come out of the boat, which is like a YUM Dingers, stuff like that that I always know is in here that I use spring, summer, fall. Front of the boat, you can see it there. Hope you guys enjoyed the walkthrough. Like I said, organization is key. Organization will make you more efficient.