Lowrance Ghost Trolling Motor Review

Depthfinders, Fishfinders, and Fishing Electronics
A first look at the new Lowrance Ghost trolling motor, introduced at the 2019 ICAST show

Glenn: Hey, folks. Glenn May here with BassResource.com. I'm here with Michael Iaconelli, and we're looking at the brand new trolling motor from Lowrance. Mike, tell me about it. This is really cool. I'm excited.

Mike: Glenn, it's pretty awesome. You know, this thing, you look at it and think, "Oh, it's brand new for this year. They just came out with it." It's been a couple of years in the making. And really, they looked at what was out there, they listened to the pros, and they came up with a motor that's got a lot of cool features and benefits. I want to start right with one of the big ones, right off the bat. It's brushless. It's brushless.

Glenn: Brushless.

Mike: Brushless. You've bass-fished forever like me. Every trolling motor we've ever used in our life in bass fishing world has had brushes in it. Basically, big pieces of metal inside...

Glenn: The magnets.

Mike: ...magnets that turn and, you know, there're some inherent problems with that. This thing right here, totally brushless. The three big things that means is more power. It means a more stealthy motor, more quiet. And here's the big one for me because I do a lot of 12, 14, 16-hour days, better life on the batteries, so longevity on the batteries. I don't care what battery you use, AGM, lithium, whatever you use, standard battery gel, longer life on the battery. So brushless motor, the magnet system in it...

Glenn: Doesn't that also reduce all the clutter and stuff you see on your deep finder?

Mike: It reduces the clutter. And in addition to being brushless, it's got a transducer built right into the head of the motor. That transducer is going to pair with any electronics out there, but for the Lowrance, guys, you're going to see a crisper, clearer image than you've ever seen before. And that's important. You know, drop shot and you're up on the front, you're dropping on individual fish, to remove that clutter, it's real important. This thing uses...it still has magnets in it, but it uses earth magnets, not synthetic magnets.

Earth magnets are more powerful. It's a better magnet. The speed of this thing and the responsiveness is bar none... And I know, I just got to give you a little look at this, okay? I've got to give you a little look. I'm going to take our time. I'm going to slowly increase speed here.

Woman: Don’t go past the imaginary line.

Mike: Imaginary line right here. I'm going to go left and I'm going to go right. Look at the responsiveness of this motor. Watch this.

Glenn: Oh Jeez.

Mike: Watch this.

Glenn: Holy cow.

Mike: All right. So this is a powerful motor. The neat thing about this motor is it's going to give you options. It's got a 24, 36-switch to let you go 24 volts or 36 volts.

Glenn: That's cool.

Mike: Pretty, pretty amazing. Of course, it's got an anchor feature that anytime you're out, off the bank, you hit a button, hit your anchor button, it's going to stop you on that spot and keep you there based on GPS and turn on the motor. It's got a really cool secondary feature down here on this pedal, which is, it has presets on it. And you can link up those presets to anything that's in the boat. So way points, a big thing is guys mark their waypoints when they're practicing. They don't want to reach down. They don't want the beep-beep noise. It gives it away.

I can mark a waypoint on one of my presets. I can do power poles. I can do hydrowave. I can do all these really cool things in the boat based off of the tip of my...

Glenn: Is there a programmable button on a... there's one or two buttons...

Mike: Integrated button. We've got three programmable buttons on this pedal. Glenn, let me get to this because this is, like, the juice right here and, you know, breaking shafts, breaking the trolling motor shafts, has been a big issue for guys for years. Lowrance's Ghost has solved that and we've got a spring, a knuckle in this bracket and when you whack something, when you hit something, that spring actually gives. It enclaves and will bounce you back. So, the days of busting shafts and having trolling motor issues, you can't fish rest of the day, they're gone.

The pedal, this is... Oh, look at that.

Glenn: Oh, that's cool.

Mike: So, also self-deploying so you can throw it down. It'll deploy itself, that pedal right there, that left, right responsiveness, no cable, zero cable, all mechanical on that thing. And just, I mean, everything from the bracket to the prop, I have cut through weeds like you wouldn't believe with this prop. And look at, right, it's self-centering. If you've got the head in a straight position, you've got to pull it up, it's self-centering.

Glenn: It automatically does it.

Mike: Automatically does it, but a unique prop design, unique head design, cuts through weeds. This thing is a game-changer. I'm going to deploy it right here in the weeds. It'll go right through it. It doesn't matter.

Glenn: Nice. So when is this going to be available?

Mike: So this thing is being launched this week, ICAST 2019. In the next couple of weeks, you're going to see select retailers getting it.

Glenn: Okay. And what's it going to cost me?

Mike: You know, it's going to cost you exactly what the comparable motor that's out there right now, you know, not a ton more, about the same price. And the other great thing about this is the head of the motor is interchangeable. So I'm actually going to be able to spin off that head. If two, three years down the road, a new technology comes along, I want to carry a spare head in the truck, I've got it. Literally, spin it off, spin the new one on and you're ready to go.

Glenn: So you don't have to buy a whole new unit.

Mike: Don't have to buy a whole new bracket, a new trolling motor. You can literally buy the head of the motor itself.

Glenn: Nice. Sweet.

Mike: It's good a feature.

Glenn: That's awesome. Right here, you guys heard it first. ICAST 2019, Michael Iaconelli. The new Lowrance Ghost Trolling Motor.