Aaron Martens Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich

Fun Fishing Videos
You wouldn't think Aaron Martens has a particular way of eating PB&J sandwiches, but he does! Check out this video to find out. You'll get a good laugh!

Aaron:             Three peanut butter or almond, I usually mix almond butter and peanut butter and stay away from the preservative stuff, which is hydrogenated and partially it's really bad. And, I stay with the more natural peanut butters and almond butters and, you know, stay away from the second ingredient sugar and jellies. You can find stuff out there, it's like not even in there. Sometimes they don't even add sugar or third ingredient, you know.

And I do that and I make pies out of them, there not just a sandwich, there pies. They're like, I smash them, I got a way of making them though. I've made thousands of them. I usually do my almond butter, and my wife does this now, is I make them and I use, like, whole health nuts, I use bread, but I take them and I put my stuff on there with peanut butter and jelly and I put the top bread on and I smash it, I smash them as hard as I can.

I'll take them on the table and I'll put my hand on them and I'll just flatten them. I'll squish them down and get them compressed where it's almost like the bread is not bread anymore. It's almost like a tortilla. Smash them down. Not that much but I smash them down put them in a bag and...

Question:        You're not a picky eater are you?

Aaron:             No, I'll eat anything believe me. And that way when I eat them it's quicker. I don't have to chew on that aerated bread and it's, I think it tastes better. You got to try it. But my nephew, when he makes peanut butter and jellies now, I notice he smashes them. He likes it too, so.