Skeet Reese

Original Bass Pro Interviews
An exclusive interview with Skeet Reese. Find out about his big bass techniques, who his inspiration is, what he likes to do off the water, and more!

Glenn: Hi, I'm Glenn May with Skeet Reese.  Skeet, good to have you today.

Skeet Reese: It's good to be here

Glenn: Skeet, how long have you been fishing?

Skeet: I've been fishing for 35 years but competitively this is my 25th year I think, 26th year of competitive angling.  I started when I was 14, fished my first tournament at a local club.  But I've been fishing full time for 12 years and on the Bassmaster tour for 10.

Glenn: And in all those years what would you say is your most memorable bass.

Skeet: Oh, wow.  Most memorable bass?  I would say, I'm going to have to go back to Lake Tahoe, Florida.  You know when I caught my 5th fish and I knew I'd won Angler of the Year in 2007.  That 5th fish there, yeah, that was a pretty powerful moment.

Glenn: So not so much big bass, more of just the meaning and the significance of the bass.

Skeet: Oh yeah, that was definitely the significance of that one.  Big fish, I've caught a lot of good fish and especially being from California.  I've caught my share of tens and all that, but that fish stands out more than anything.  I think it was like a 2 pound fish, so.

Glenn: It's amazing.  So speaking of big bass though, what would be your most unusual big bass technique.

Skeet: The most unusual big bass technique.  Oh boy.  I don't know.  There's nothing unusual in fishing.  It's just, everything has a time and place from big baits, little baits.  But I've caught ten pounders on little two inch baits as well as twelve inch swim baits, so a little bit of everything.

Glenn: So, let me change this subject just a little bit.  If you could fish with anybody of your choice either past or present, who might that be?

Skeet: I still want to spend a day on the water with Rick Clunn, so.  He's my friend.  He called me this last week to pump me up for this event.  But, he's the inspiration, he's the reason I fish for a living.  He's the one that I read about when I was twelve years old and I said, he's a professional fisherman and I was like, that's what I want to do.  So as much as he's been my inspiration to be here where I'm at today, I think definitely a day on the water with him would be pretty cool.

Glenn: That would be a lot of fun.

Skeet: I'll get it someday.  Rick, do you hear me? I'm fishing with you some day.

Glenn: So besides fishing what else do you like to do?

Skeet: I love playing golf.  I suck at it but I love getting out there and hitting the ball as far as I can.  Hitting houses with the golf balls is perfect.  Then it's more about just spending time at home with my girls and my wife.  That's, I've got two little girls.  They're my pride and joy.

Glenn: What would be your idea of a dream vacation?

Skeet: A dream vacation.  I don't know, I've been very fortunate.  I got to do a lot of fun things and travel and do a lot, see a lot of new places.  But as long as it's warm and the beverages are good and my girls are happy and we're playing, anything is good.

Glenn: Just spending time with your family, then?

Skeet: That's the most important.

Glenn: So, what's the one thing that the fans out there might not know about you that you can share with us?

Skeet: I just, probably, there's, my life's been pretty well exposed to everybody.  I've written enough stuff and everybody's written enough stuff about me.  I don't know.  I haven't shaved my nose hairs this week, so I mean, that's the latest and greatest.

Glenn: Yeah, you need a little trim there.

Skeet: Yeah, I'm going to need it. So you got something new this week.

Glenn: Well, Skeet, thank you so much for spending some time with us.  I do appreciate it.  And we'll see you out on the water.

Skeet: I'll be out there, thank you.