New SPRO Frogs - 2012

ICAST 2012
Dean Rojas shows you the latest SPRO frogs coming soon to a tackle store near you!

Hey everybody, Dean Rojas here at the 2012 ICAST show down here in Orlando, Florida. I'm sitting next to some of my best friends up here on the wall, my Spro Bronze Eye Frog I designed. We're up to 32 skews now on the original Bronze Eye, up four from 28 from last year with four brand new colors that we're going to be introducing here at ICAST.

We're going with a little bit more of a brighter, radical change. A lot of our colors are real subtle, as you can see, kind of plain in a way, more solid colors back then, but now we're getting into more of a detailed finish for our baits. All the baits are going to feature our tri-color skirt, three different strands of color on each of the Frogs.

These are our four brand new colors that we're coming out with. This is the Natural Green right here. This is the Outback. This is the Freak, and this is the Amazon. The Amazon is wild in color. It's got a lot of red, orange and green in it. The Freak is just a freak because it's got chartreuse, black, grey, yellow, orange, red. It's got a little bit of everything into it. The Outback is more of a subtle, a lot of yellowish, brown, green, and then our Natural Green color with a silver bottom.

We wanted something with our heads on the Frog to be a little bit brighter than we normally have. So much of our Frogs are solid colors, so they're hard to find sometimes in the cover. This way we incorporate a bright head, but the color on the bottom is a lot darker, so you still have the color package that you want when you're fishing matted structure or lay downs or trees or docks. But now you can see the Frog a little bit easier. So that was kind of what we keyed on was we had a lot of customers asking for our baits. We wanted something that had a little more visibility on the nose so we can watch for the Frog and so forth.

So be looking for them at your local retailer, Gander Mountain will be carrying these baits along with all the other major retailers throughout the country. Four brand new colors, and we've got something special coming for you next year, back in 2013 we're working on it right now. A brand new design, brand new everything, so stay tuned. It's going to be a lot of fun.