How To Tune A Crankbait To Catch More Fish

Crankbait Fishing Techniques and Tips
Here's how to fix a crankbait when it's running sideways on you. Plus, a great tip on how to tune crankbaits to make them catch more fish!

Hey, folks, Glenn May here with, and today I want to give you a quick tip on crankbaits. You know a lot of times when you get your crankbait right out of the box, it will sometimes run sideways on you. It will just lean to the side and it will take off to one direction or another, or if you've been fishing for a while, you've been hitting rocks and that sort of thing, sometimes it will stop tracking true and it will start going off to one side. So here's a quick way to fix that.

What you want to do here is you see the line tie right there, that's what you want to focus on. Now on a bill like this where the line tie is right on the bill itself, what you want to do is you want to grab a pair of needle nose pliers, like this, grab a hold of that eye, that line tie. What you want to do is you want to bend it either one way or the other. So if this, for example, this bait is going off to the left on you, then grab a hold of that line tie and bend it just a little bit over to the right. It doesn't take much work. It really doesn't take much effort. You just grab it and just, I mean, that's it. It's a slight movement so don't yard it over really hard, but just flip a little bit more over to the right for you and it will work just fine.

Now on a square bill, here the eye is right up here on the nose. It's not on the bill. See that? A little bit different. So with those, with that you want to turn it a little bit one way or the other, okay? Or this way or the other. That's how you want to do it. You do it one way or the other like that.

Don't twist it. You don't want to twist it. Same thing with on this here, you know. You want to go one way or the other. You don't want to twist it like that. Don't twist on it because that won't help.

And this is a little bit different, now you're going to flip it one direction or the other on the square bill. Again you just grab the nose and just flip it a little bit and you can course correct it.

Now a quick little tip is, say you're fishing docks and you know fish are underneath the docks, you want your bait to dive down underneath the docks, well here, just detune it. Twist the line tie a little bit and you're going to let it go dive underneath those docks and dig those fish out for you. But that's a quick tip for you. Hope that helps. For more tips and tricks like this, visit