Winter Bass Fishing with Paddle Tail Swimbaits (This Works!)

Winter Bass Fishing Videos
Explore expert tips for winter bass fishing using paddle tail swimbaits with Learn about the ideal spinning gear setup and the right fishing lines for varying depths. Discover techniques for slow and fast retrieves to target both shallow and deep water bass effectively during winter.

The Baits & Gear

Keitech Swing Impact 2.8 --

Shimano Stella spinning reel -  

Shimano Expride B Spinning Rods --

YGK G-Soul OHDRAGON Sinking Braided Line --

YGK G-Soul DFC Fluorocarbon Leader --


The winter time for the paddle tail swimbait is pretty much same as fall season. I recommend to using this one right here. It's about same as fall season because the winter time, the bigger fish is going shallower, than smaller fish is still staying in the deep water. So I want to fish kind of between both of it, the shallow water and a little bit deep, close to the deep water.

So, I'm recommend to using the spinning gear with a tiny swimbait which is a 2.8 Keitech with a 3/8 weight jig head. I am using the Shimano Expride 7-foot medium with a Shimano Stella. Little bit expensive, but it's nice, nice. I'm using the 2500 SHG, which is a little bit high gear ratio with YGK Sinking Braided Line. We call the name SS112, which is going sink. Also, I'm using the YGK Fluorocarbon Line for the leader. I'm using the 8-pound fluorocarbon line, but sometime in the winter time when I fish in deep water, I chose a 6 or 7-pound. That just, sometime that thinner line catch...key for me, make more bite.

So, I'm using that gear for the wintertime using the reel, real slow retrieve. Sometimes fast retrieve, I can do, cover a lot of the water. So, I'm recommend to the wintertime for the same bait. Pretty much same as fall season right here.