Bobby Lane

No More Bread In Bobby Lane’s Boat

Fishing Stories
Bobby Lane
Bobby Lane

Hilarious and good-hearted Florida pro Bobby Lane looks a little thinner these days. And at age 47, the longtime Toyota Bonus Bucks angler feels better than he has in years.

“I’m probably only about 12 or 15 pounds lighter than I was a year ago, but man, do I feel better!” exclaims Lane. “No more bread in the boat! I’ve completely cleaned up my diet. And when I’m home, I try to walk 3 to 5 miles per day.”

The bread in the boat was often a part of the fantastic sandwiches Lane’s treasured friend and tournament traveling companion, Tony Chachere, would pack Bobby and brother Chris to carry in their boat coolers.

“Good heavens! I mean, talk about fattening a guy up! Tony would make us the most unbelievable sandwiches, with a bag of potato chips …. and are you ready for this!? …. He’d toss in some candy bars too!” laughs Lane.

No more Tony Chachere sandwiches. And the candy bars, Bobby admits he got hooked on, have been replaced by Kind bars, almonds, and tuna fish with no crackers or bread.

Essential too is ample hydration courtesy of spring water and BodyArmor sports drinks.

Lane also credits his bride Madeline for cleaning up his diet too. She has gone gluten-free, which helps tremendously in his efforts to eat healthy at home.

Not to mention walking three to five miles a day – often with the family dog, “Junebug” – you guessed it, named for the famous soft plastic fishing lure color.

“It's just amazing how much more energetic I feel. My body tells me I can compete longer and more intensely than ever, and that’s one heck of a good feeling,” concludes the 2017 Major League Fishing General Tire World Champion.

As for how he plans to gain weight on Scoretracker at this week’s MLF event – Lane hopes a Frittside 5 crankbait, along with a Berkley Power Hawg on a 5/16-ounce Flat Out tungsten weight, will be critical ingredients in the diets of Lake Fork’s giant largemouth.