Top 3 Spots To Find Fish in Small Lakes

Hank Parker's Fishing Tips

Hank Parker answers the question, "When you're fishin' unfamiliar small natural lakes, what are the three areas you focus on for fishing?"

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Glenn: Hey folks, Glenn May here with and I’m here with Hank Parker with another edition of Hank Parker's Tips. This week's question comes from Jeremy McConnell from Greenville, Michigan. And he says, "When you're fishin' unfamiliar small natural lakes, what are the three areas you focus on for fishing?"

Hank: Well, that is a pretty tough question because there's so many variations there. Number one, if I'm fishing on a lake, a small lake that I can cover, and I've never fished it before, the first thing I'm gonna look for is aquatic vegetation: grass beds, lily pads, those sorts of things. If it's void of that, then I'm gonna look for brush. If it's void of that, then I'm gonna look for bars or points and rock. I like rock. So there's a lotta different types of structure, but I'm gonna be looking for whatever structure is in that lake.

And I'll be honest with ya, I like lakes that don't have a whole lot of structure. I go to these lakes where guys build lakes and they leave half of the lake standing timber, that drives me nuts. It's so hard to fish it, there's a million places for the fish to hide. But when you've got a lake that doesn't have a lotta structure, what structure is there is gonna be productive.

So I try to look at that lake and analyze really, really quick what might be there, whether there's...where there's brush piles, where there's grass beds, or stumps, but I'm always looking for that aquatic vegetation first. If it's void of that, then I move to the brush, and then to the rocks and the points.

Glenn: Great approach. Thanks for answering that...or asking that question, Jeremy. I hope it answers it. But for more tips and tricks, head on over to where you're gonna find lots of tips and tricks and articles, and a lot more. And if you wanna get notified the next time we post one of these videos, just subscribe to our YouTube channel. Thanks for watching, and have a great day.