Crankbait Fishing: Depth & Retrieval Speed Explained

Crankbait Fishing Techniques and Tips
Dive into the essentials of successful crankbait fishing. Learn why depth control and retrieval speed are the game-changers in your angling strategy. Discover tips to perfectly match crankbait depth and speed with the day's fishing conditions.

Oh, we got to get that camera out of the net.

Keri: Ya? You catch a fish, I'll be happy to get that camera out of the net.

Glenn: All right. You got yourself a deal. Okay, get the camera out the net.

Keri: Hey, look at that. Wow, crankbaits it is. They've gotta be crankbaits evidently.

Glenn: Come here. Oh, boy, I don't have you very good.

Keri: No you don't. I did get it out of there.

Glenn: Come here.

Keri: Nice job.

Glenn: There we go, all right

And the hook, it just fell right out.

Keri: Nice job.

Glenn: Square bill. Here's a question about crankbait fishing. "What would you say are the two most important elements in crankbait fishing?" Well, it's funny, all of us bass anglers we tend to focus on color. But the reality is, you know, color, size of the lure, those types of things actually are very important. But what I look at first is how deep that lure is going to run and how fast or slow can I retrieve it? Because that's about the presentation.

First of all, getting it down to the right depth. You need to get the lure where the fish is, otherwise, it doesn't matter. All the other elements mean nothing because you're not going to get bit. So that's like the primary one.

How deep does it run? If the fish are shallow, fishing a deep diving crankbait isn't going to get bit and vice versa. So number one, how deep does this crankbait go for where the fish are that day?

The other thing I really look for is how fast of a retrieve or slow of a retrieve does it need? Some days fish want to attack fast-moving lures, so I want to lure that can get down to that depth and I can retrieve it at a fast speed. Other times they want something that's barely moving, so that requires a deeper diving crankbait, for example, that can stay down and still move slow. So those are the two primary things that are really important for me and crankbaits. Then, you know, not to say there's other elements that aren't important because after those two pieces, then I look at things, for example, like the size of the bait or the color. I hope that helps. Hope you catch a lot more crankbait fish.

And if you have any questions that you've thought about while watching this, hey, feel free to hit me up at this email down below or come to our Facebook page and leave us a message and hopefully, we'll get to your question soon. For more tips and tricks like this, visit