An Easy Trailer Jack Maintenance Tip

Bass Boat Care, Performance, and More
Here's a quick and easy way to keep your trailer jack in tip top shape!

Hey folks, Glenn May with And if you ask anybody who knows me, they'll tell you that I'm really meticulous about the care of my boat. And that's because I pay attention to all the little details. It's the small things that make up the whole picture and make it look really good. So one of the things I pay attention to is the trailer jack, most notably this. See how the handle is hanging down like that. It's just a knuckle dragger. What's gonna happen is when you're pulling up a steep ramp like this and get to the apex of it, this is gonna drag on the ground. You can also hit things when you're going down the road, traveling down the road and get grease on it, dirt, that sort of thing. And after a while it's just gonna look real crummy, and it's gonna start getting grease and grime inside of here. It's gonna be hard to turn.

So a little tip that I use, just a little teeny bungee cord like this, I wrap it around the body of the trailer jack and around the handle. And then I lock it up just like so. Now look at that. Now it's up nice and straight, up out of the way. It's not gonna drag on the ground anymore. It's gonna keep it looking new and keep it working really good throughout the duration of its lifespan. For more tips and tricks like this, visit